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I turned 'Practical Prepper' overnight

I never thought I would call myself a prepper, honestly, the hardcore preppers made me roll my eyes, but after a wimpy 4 hour power outage, I am now an avid - Practical Prepper

The power went out right in the middle of making pancakes, I had just got the kids their first round of pancakes and dropped three more spoonful's of batter on the pan, and breakfast sausages were just starting to turn brown in another pan

everything went dark

I had a huge bowl of pancake batter on the counter, coffee wasn't made yet, and it was rainy/snowy outside.

We also had no water. When our power goes, our well goes too. and we had only 2 more toilet flushes.


Thankfully I was able to pull out my cast iron pizza pan, get the bbq going and grabbed the percolating coffee pot from our camper and finished the pancakes and have hot coffee

This small power outage really got me thinking... how many people aren't able to recreate this kind of set up? What would I do if it was -40C and our house was quickly losing heat... bottom line...

We aren't prepared for any kind of power outage or natural disaster

Since this day I have been slowly starting to Prep items around my house(and my vehicle), and if there is any kind of power flicker, I am madly filling water jugs for drinking water, cooking and flushing toilets.

I have only just recently stared prepping, so my food stock is low, but I am gathering things that I know my family will eat and that we can easily cook outdoors if we had to

I will leave food prepping for another posts since I hardly know anything about fermenting or freeze drying and I barely know about canning... but over the next few months I will definitely be adding more and more skills to my repertoire

but some of the items I would list as bare necessities are as follows

Water- I never remember just how much water we use until its not longer readily available. As soon as there is a flicker or high winds, I will be filling jugs for drinking water, and making sure we have a jug or two to help flush solids down the toilets. We will also be looking into solar energy to keep the well pump going

Matches or Gas Lighter and Candles- I feel like these are pretty self-explanetory, for light and warmth, Id really like to make on of those terracotta heaters, just to give it a try and see how it does

Batteries- for flash lights and possibly charging celluar devices

Fire Safe Cook Wear- Cast Iron or stainless steel are your best options, well its what I've used, I wouldn't use my good corning ware on the fire or bbq, if you have done this, let me know!

BBQ! or propane stove- Always remember to use propane bbqs or stove OUT OF DOORS!

Learn how to turn your bbq into an oven, and you can make all sorts of things on the bbq, one time I did a premade pizza in the bbq on my cast iron pizza pan, turned out fantastic!

Mittens, toques and socks! If the power goes out and you are without heat during the winter, or during colder months, get your head covered and layer on those socks, slippers or even runners, throw on an extra sweater or two and cuddle under some blankets

I live in central Alberta, which holds some world records for worlds coldest temperatures. If ever we are in a motor vehicle accident, I want to be prepared to sit for hours, in a blizzard, in -40c wind chill, until we are able to be rescued. Thus I want the following items in a tote that lives in our van until Summer arrives

  1. Freezies- this will be a treat for the kids as well as keep us hydrated

  2. Extra winter gear for everyone- mitts, toques, socks, neck warmers, scarves

  3. blankets- pretty self-explanatory

  4. ice scraper

  5. A collapsible shovel- digging snow! get yo'self outta that drift!

  6. A Knife- while I, personally haven't had to do this, my husband has had to kill an animal that he had hit with his vehicle, to end the suffering.

  7. dry foods- granola bars, nuts etc, non-perishable items

  8. Rope/ Kitty Litter- this may be a stretch, but being a prepper is being prepared for anything.

  9. Entertainment - be it playing cards, a small toys, books- you may be sitting for a while and everyone will get anxious. Play will keep the emotions level

  10. Road Flares- For safety measures, you may be way in a ditch or tree line, and Emergency services, tow truck or snow plough will need to be able to see you, and you also don't want to get hit by another vehicle

  11. candles and Matches- light and warmth,

  12. Don't be like Jon Snow... get out of the blizzard

Now, I may never become fully self-sufficient, or completely ready to "bug out" but I do want to be prepared enough that my family will be ok without power or heat for several days, do I know what that will 100% look like? nope, I sure don't. but I will do my best to provide under any circumstance

I also will be growing more of our own food, not only for health, but to have the skills incase society does collapse and we are still able to feed our family or trade with neighbours.

2022 Garden plans will be coming soon! with my list of veg, rasied bed plans and all that green-thumby stuffs

As a new prepper, I know I have missed many items, and I know this list could go on forever if you know of some major staple items that I have missed, let me know in the comments below

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